pave the way for

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pave the way for

更新时间:2025-03-11 00:07:50

英 [peiv ðə wei fɔ:]

美 [pev ði we fɔr]

pave the way for基本解释

动词为…铺平道路,为…铺平道路,为…做好准备; 开方便之门; 大开绿灯


  • 网络解释

1. 为......铺平道路:have/gain an advantage over 胜过,优于 | pave the way for 为......铺平道路 | take advantage of 利用,趁......之机

2. 为铺平道路;使...更易:not to mention更别提...,更不必说... | pave the way for为铺平道路;使...更易 | as for至于;关于

3. 为...铺平道路,为...创造条件:Muslim Brotherhood 穆斯林兄弟会 | pave the way for 为...铺平道路,为...创造条件 | peace process 和平进程

4. 为...铺平道路;为...做准备:In accordance with 与...一致, 依照 | Pave the way for 为...铺平道路, 为...做准备 | Provide for 规定,准备,保证, 供给

  • 临近词
Assad was in ill health and had to pave the way for his sons succession.(阿萨德病重,必须要为儿子接班做准备。)
Several large studies of drinking in the general population show that some patterns clearly pave the way for future problems.(针对一般人群的饮酒行为所进行的几项大型调研显示,其他一些饮酒方式显然也会在将来给饮酒者带来烦恼。)
And all of you will know that because of your passion and hard work you helped pave the way for that day.(你们所有的人都将知道,正是你们如火的热情和辛劳的努力,为那天的到来铺平了道路。)
The human mind does lots of subterranean work to pave the way for social success.(人的思想会做许多潜意识的工作来为社会成功铺平道路。)
And, third, it might pave the way for Germany's exit from the eurozone.(第三,它可能为德国退出欧元区铺平道路。)
The court’s lengthy arguments pave the way for challenges to Mr Zardari’s right to sit in parliament.(该院冗长的论证为挑战扎尔达理先生享有议会席位的权利铺平道路。)
The ruling could pave the way for hundreds of similar suits against major companies to move forward.(该判决可能为成百上千的针对大企业的类似诉讼铺平向前推进的道路。)
But recent changes to business laws in the region may help pave the way for a more entrepreneurial future, say observers.(但观察人士称,该地区近期修订的商业法规可能有助于为企业家构建更光明的未来铺平道路。)
Italy and France signed a deal that is meant to pave the way for a revival of nuclear power in Italy.(意大利和法国签署一项协议,意图为复兴意大利核能创造条件。)
Thus far, I have discussed how to structure your XML to pave the way for using a schema validator.(到目前为止,我已经讨论了如何将XML格式化,以便为使用模式验证器铺平道路。)
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